
Welcome to Union Hall Students. Are you a student looking for a church?

New to Manchester, Union Hall or just looking to find out about Jesus? Welcome! You’ve come to the right place.

Union Hall is a gospel centred church where our main focus is on Bible teaching through our Sunday services. Look here to find out about our services. We encourage all students to be part of a local church which can provide you with a chance to grow as a follower of Jesus through solid Bible teaching, fellowship with believers and an opportunity to serve in the Church. We hope you find this at Union Hall, as well as being part of the church family.

We’re just a stone’s throw from the main university campuses and right opposite some of the student halls. Click here to see our location.

Check out the comments from some of our current and previous students here.

Students Testimonials


Nathan Fenwick


The first thing that struck me about Union Hall was how quickly you are welcomed in and engaging as part of the church family unit. Everyone in the church supports, prays for, and cares for one another, which I found to be an amazing atmosphere and culture to immerse myself in.

When moving to Manchester to study, it was important for me to find somewhere where I could continue to grow as a Christian, but also somewhere where I’d be able to serve effectively within that. Union Hall has a wonderful variety of ages and backgrounds, with grounded, biblical doctrines. Very often I’ll find myself continuing learning in discussion from the experience or background of more mature Christians, as well as having excellent teaching during the meetings, both on Sunday and Tuesday nights.

Serving within Union Hall is also a joy. They are always more than happy for you to be involved in any area, and are more than willing to offer help and advice in those areas as well. Getting stuck in is no more difficult than talking to the respective coordinator for each area of service.

The student body, much like the rest of the church, is incredibly welcoming and supportive. One of the joys of a smaller church is that the community is much more close-knit, and I very much enjoy that, particularly coming from a larger church. This allows much more personal relationships, particularly with the other students. This helps us to build each other up and pray for each othe more effectively.

My time at Union Hall has been incredibly helpful in my growth as a Christian. With convicting and encouraging teaching in so many different styles and group sizes, Union Hall’s heart and purpose for mission has been apparent, and a great challenge for my evangelism, both personally and through the church.

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If I have to describe Union Hall Evangelical Church, Hulme, Manchester, I would say it has been my HOME.

As a Christian my purpose before I left my country was not only to succeed in my MSc studies but also have spiritual growth. God offers me that opportunity through Union Hall. The morning and evening services, plus Bible studies have improved my knowledge of God and encouraged me to be a doer not just a hearer.

The international student environment at Union Hall is so great that you can get to meet people from many parts of the world. Most of my great moments in Manchester involved the time shared with them. We have helped each other in our spiritual growth but also in our daily life problems. I think Proverbs 17:17, ” A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity” describes well what all of them have been to me.

Besides, as an Ecuadorian international student, coming from a country with different culture, language, and level of education, it would normal for me to face much difficulty in settling into the UK system. However, at Union Hall I found all the support every time I needed help, such a word of encouragement, prayer during exams, as well as help to proof read my essays. It is a joy to be part of this fellowship, and I thank the Lord for leading me here.

After a year, Manchester plus my lovely brothers and sisters from Union Hall, have really impacted my life. God is merciful and faithful, and He will not put us in a place without any support. I do hope that new students can come and enjoy the wonderful fellowship at Union Hall, just as I did.

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I came to Manchester for a one year placement at the Salford University. I was looking for a church I could go regularly. After few tries in Salford I was brought to Union Hall and I decided to stay. Although it was a bit travel for me I had several reasons why I liked it there. Firstly, since my first visit everybody was so nice to me and they kept being nice all the time. Secondly, Union Hall reminds me my home church in Czech Republic, which means it is an evangelical church with the main focus on a good Bible based teaching. Sermons also contain prayers and combination of old hymns and contemporary worship songs. Beside the regular Sunday meetings the church also offers several different activities you can take part in. You can also get involved in some service easily. I am happy that I could help with piano playing sometimes.

Beside the all mentioned above I am very thankful for the other students in church. It is great to have friend of the similar age and the same faith. We were meeting before sermons at breakfasts for students, also out of the church going for a dinner, to a cinema or on a trip. And later we also started organised fellowship with Bible study, testimony sharing etc. I believe that some of that people will stay my friends for the rest of my life.

The whole church was like a family to me, ready to pray when I needed. Thus, it was difficult for me to say goodbye and go back to my country.

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International Student Cafe

Every Monday at 7.00pm a team of local Christians run iCafé, which is a free international student cafe at Union Hall.

New to following Jesus or want to find out more?

We frequently run sessions to introduce you to the gospel. If you’d like to join let us know either in person or via our contact us page.